Friday, December 12, 2008
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Monday, November 10, 2008
Graha Bunda Maria Annai Velangkanni

Friday, August 29, 2008
visiting museum

nuansa pagi tak kunjung lepas dengan indahnya cahaya dan embun yang menyeru hiraukan bumi.serasa ingin melepas dari tidur yang kurang nyeyak. ngga masalah jika hari ini mengunjungi sebuah museum yang terletak di pekanbaru (sidalu-dalu)
wah ............. sungguh indah dapat mengetahui benda -benda purbakala sekaligus sebagai sumber pengetahuan bagi saya untuk mengenal adat-istiadat suku lain selain suku saya sendiri
Dalihan Natolu
Dalihan Natolu Sumber Hukum Adat Batak
Pengertian Dalihan Natolu secara letterlijk adalah satuan tungku tempat memasak yang terdiri dari tiga batu. Pada zamannya, kebiasaan masyarakat Batak memasak di atas tiga tumpukan batu, dengan bahan bakar kayu. Tiga tungku itu, dalam bahasa Batak disebut dalihan. Falsafah dalihan natolu paopat sihal-sihal dimaknakan sebagai kebersamaan yang cukup adil dalam kehidupan masyarakat Batak. Tungku merupakan bagian peralatan rumah yang sangat vital. Karena menyangkut kebutuhan hidup anggota keluarga, digunakan untuk memasak makanan dan minuman yang terkait dengan kebutuhan untuk hidup. Dalam prakteknya, kalau memasak di atas dalihan natolu , kadang-kadang ada ketimpangan karena bentuk batu ataupun bentuk periuk. Untuk mensejajarkannya, digunakan benda lain untuk mengganjal. Dalam bahasa Batak, benda itu disebut Sihal-sihal . Apabila sudah pas letaknya, maka siap untuk memasak. Ompunta naparjolo martungkot salagunde. Adat napinungka ni naparjolo sipaihut-ihut on ni na parpudi. Umpasa itu sangat relevan dengan falsafah dalihan natolu paopat sihal-sihal sebagai sumber hukum adat Batak. Apakah yang disebut dengan dalihan natolu paopat sihal-sihal itu ? dari umpasa di atas, dapat disebutkan bahwa dalihan natolu itu diuraikan sebagai berikut : Somba marhula-hula, manat mardongan tubu, elek marboru. Angka na so somba marhula-hula siraraonma gadongna, molo so Manat mardongan tubu, natajom ma adopanna, jala molo so elek marboru, andurabionma tarusanna. Itulah tiga falsafah hukum adat Batak yang cukup adil yang akan menjadi pedoman dalam kehidupan sosial yang hidup dalam tatanan adat sejak lahir sampai meninggal dunia.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Lake Toba Legend

In first time, before Lake Toba exist, Toba area are consist of mountain and valey with small river.In that time live young man and the name is Toba and he work as a fisherman. One day Toba go to the river, for all day fishing but not one fish he get. Desperate cause it sunset and Toba throw his fishhook to the water, he was shock when he does get one fish a big one (Cyprinus carpio). With proudly he bring the fish and wanna go home.
But Toba shock when the fish talk to him said "Don;t bring to your home to eat me, but only keep me in the house in middle of farm, and you come again after three days". Toba surprise to look the fish can talk and doing what the fish said to him.
After three days, he goes to the farm and get in to the house, Toba really shock he show a beautiful lady with long hair not a fish. Surprised Toba ask the lady "Who are you and what are you doing in this house ??", and the lady said "My name is Nauli, Princess of water, sending by God to be human."And Toba persuade the girl to be his wife. The girl said "I want to be your wife but you must promise. Whatever and what happen to our family in the next, that you will not said that i am a fish and if you broken i will return and back to my first time being a fish". Toba agree that he will keep promised. They have married and live in that house.
For daily needed they do farming. And they are happy family. Not for long time they have one child and give the name Samosir. One day when Samosir bring a lunch to his father at farm, Samosir have accident, he down and the food droped, now the food already dirty. But Samosir collecting all the food back and bring to his father. After arrived, Samosir call his father to get lunch, but he affraid to tell him the he get accident before he go to farm and the food was dirty. When his father opened, he surprise Samosir bring a dirty food. And he angry to Samosir and said "Cause your are kid from fish, you bring to me dirty food.", Samosir crying that his father angry to him, and he go back his mom and make a report. Nauli crying too when her son Samosir tell to her. Nauli sad to Toba he broken promise, and Nauli hugging her son Samosir and tell him that all is true. Nauli order Samosir to go to highland, this is consequence if your father Samosir broken his promise, i will return back as a fish.
After Samosir already in highland, Nauli pray wishes God bring she return back, and the rain coming make flood in Toba area and it become Lake. Nauli was back to her life as a fish. And the lake become Lake Toba and highland where samosir going become Samosir Island.
Note :Promise ( Padan : in Batak Language) is important word in this legend. Don't say promise if broken it next time, cause who broken promise can get disaster.
copy from www.samosirtourism.com
What Your Dream

Thursday, July 31, 2008
Pangururan Beach

Pangururan is one of the central city market district in the area samosir. Communities around pangururan typical Toba Batak people. A number of tourism areas not far from our next pangururan playing in ancol panguruan (edge of the lake) we can also look towards the mountain and also spent a trip to the Batak people hotspring say "Aek rangat" This is where the tourist attraction because of its strategic location of the water bath This hot rows until a height of several meters. From here we can see the natural beauty of the beach samosir. You can also get more information with other tourist attractions of "SIDIHONI" not so far from pangururan, the entry intersection before entering the terminal pangururan 'JL Ronggur Nihuta. In Sidihoni you will find a lake called "Lake sidihoni" is filled with objects that phenomenon.
According to the local community of older, this lake describes a story that very few stories of legend in getting writers ..! said residents around the lake was "one when the lake provides a different color from the original form of a lake that is it will give a signal which will occur one time thing that needs to worry about," could be a misfortune, illness comes, a prolonged drought. From the bottom "Pangururan terminal" to the lake sidihoni with the distance of about 8-9 kilometers. But for those of you who want to plan a trip to sidihoni not mistaken you need a guide for the improvement of local trip.

Most of the world community deal with the world tourism . One thing that makes people have to discuss further with the above topics is that the awareness of the importance of living with the tour. tourism object we have in the ground water or closer to your environment makes the sources very important in everyday life. generally the most favorite tourist attraction brings a number of tourists who very much besides facilities, infrastructure and other supporting factors (media availability of transport and communications and also guides the journey that makes perfect since they (guide) which is aimed primarily communications with foreign tourists neither other areas.
Environmental tourism not only do you get / find guests who only just but part of holyday we get a million important information and find out more information from the area of origin of different visitors.
so enjoy as much as possible areas of tourism in your homeland and keep caring with conditions that may need more management than before.
greetings for lovers of travel: primarily guide / guide
( "may prevail")
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Lake Toba

The Lake Toba is the largest lake in Southeast Asia, once created by an enormous eruption less than 100,000 years ago. Th eruption was approximately 8,000 times more powerful than the eruption of Mount St.Helen in 1981.
here are of course legends on how Lake Toba was formed. The traditional Batak canoe, the solu, was 10-15 metres long. All had the same width. The canoes were decorated with carvings, the captain, the chief, sat in front and gave orders. The solu had its own spirit and when a new canoe was built offerings were made for both teh canoe spirit and to Boru Saniang Naga, the Goddess of the water. Batak feared her ad disasters could easily happen when she was angry.
Place of Interest
1. Samosir Island
Samosir is approximately 50 km long and 15 km wide island in Lake Toba, almost as big as Singapore. It is often described as the hearthland of Batak culture. Samosir is actually a peninsula and not an island, as it is divided from Sumatera only by a narrow man-made canal, the Pusuk Buhit Canal between Samosir and mainland, onece made by the Dutch. Samosir is a perfect place to relax and cool down. It is beautiful and scenic and very relaxing. Accommodation is extremely cheap, but food rather expensive (according to Indonesian standard). In the end it evens out compared to other major tourist destinations in Indonesia. The island is small enough for visiting everything of interest from any place you choose to stay in.
2. Jangga Village
A traditional Batak village 24 km from Parapat. Here visitors can watch the weavingof the traditional Batak ulos textiles and wander amongst traditional houses and historical monuments of the olf Batak kings.
3. Tuktuk
Samosir Island is accessible by ferry from Ajibata or Parapat. One of the main inhabited areas on the island, Tuktuk has been described as Samosir's answer to Bali's Kuta Beach. This popular destination offers scenic views at very low prices. People come here to relax, enjoy the sceneries, eat well and cool down fronm tougher travelling in other areas. Culture is available on certain days and in other nearby villages anyway. Western tunes have replaced the harmonic popular songs of the well-singing Bataks. The whole little peninsula is full of restaurants, hotels and souvenir shops. There are a few discotheques, bars and hotels, one of the best hotel in Tuktuk is Toledo Inn.
4. Tomok
A traditional village with beautiful houses and ancient tombs. Tomok is gateway to Samosir and one of the main landing-points on the island. Rows of stalls sell an array of handicraft, traditional ulos cloth and Batak musical instruments. The 200-year-old stone sarcophagus of King Sidabutar built in the shape of a ship is its most famous sight. It is located a short walk away from the lake. Tomok is also known for the Sigale-gale dance.
5. Ambarita
Ambarita, just north of Tuktuk is one of the musts when visiting Samosir. The traditional village with King Siallagan's stone chairs is of interest, There are many souvenir stands between this historical object and the boat landing. There are however not so many boats anymore, but now and then there are direct connections with Parapat, normally early morning. Ambarita is also a good starting point for treks across the island. There are many nice and quiet places to stay between Tuktuk and Ambarita and along the coast north of Ambarita.
6. Simanindo
Simanindo is a picturesque village and has some of the best-kept traditional houses, incl the house of Raja Sidauruk, now a museum. This nice museum also has daily cultural performances. The market and the boat landing are 150 metres before the Museum, down to the right coming from Tuktuk. There are some nice local coffee shops here. Opposite Simanindo is the island Pulau Maulau, or more commonly known Pulau Tao. There is a restaurant on the island. The island is 800 metres from the boat landing below the museum but you need a boat to get there. Several boats go there from the hotels on Tuktuk. The clan Maulau owns the island according to adat (traditions), but the clan Sidauruk is living there and they built the restaurant and the hotel and changed the name to Pulau Tao. The Maulau clan protested and after negotiations an agreement was reached in June 2001. The islands belong to the Maulau clan, but is managed by Sidauruk. The proper name is Pulau Maulau.
7. Pangururan
Pangururan is the only proper town on Samosir and also the administrative center of the island. There are a few hotels here. The town has a strategic location next to the bridge between Samosir and the mainland. Most foreigners just pass through on their drive around the island or on their visit to the hot springs an the mainland. The town itself is nicely located along the shore of Lake Toba. There are a few nice old colonial buildings to admire. Besides the hot springs a visit to the summit of Pusuk Buhit can