Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Friday, September 18, 2009
Night Taptu
greetings to all brothers in Indonesia.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Night Crossing
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Seven Tastes Water at Sianjurmula-mula
Not so far from Pangururan it’s reachable by using motorbikes and the other transport. In the noon we visit“Aek SiPitu Dai/Seven Tastes Water”situated at sianjurmula-mula village. The legend of batak story mentioned that Sianjurmula-mula is the first land where all batak etnese were born. Then widespread to another places for getting a better life or starting a new life. Our visiting wasn’t longer cause we didn’t met someone else who might told us more bout Aek Sipitu Dai. In other word we just visiting and tasted the different each waters. Actually it’s getting hard to found the different taste. I mean that something difficult for me to tell what kind of taste/color each water of amount. May you visit this place but you have to keep this one” do not speak reclassly” cause people around it do not allow you make some observation by using a small talk or something that looked on impolite.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Sing an old song at night

The next night i spent at friend house’s, he is my best friend as we like a family. And old sister approach me and asked me to play the guitar and sang some songs on her request together. Yeah i did enjoy it and it’s a beatiful night. We took some snakes , and some of bottle teas . we staying up untill morning. A girl with blond hair dancing in the dark night on australian style “jungle salsa”. I don’t know where did she learn that dancing. But actually nearly perfect. Wow it’s crazy night for us and celebrate dark night with small party.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
A Beautiful Beach

so what are we looking at the beach?
and what are we doing there?
most of people choose a beach to spent their holyday. mainly student of a college event senior high school. it's mean that beach made as the best place to scream the sound of heart with their lover. but it's only opinion for some people. we can avoid circumstances it's often happen arround you. As we know they do not only having vacation but sometimes to get a new inspiration from natural object places. it's possibly to bring their life into happiness and build their soul to the magic of dream son.
at The Lake Toba Transport (Ship)

Here I am thinking of something. In case I have lot of money perhaply I am going to spend my holyday arround the world. Cause I like travel so much .regarding with not right time to enjoyed it. What can I do. Willy nillly I have to finish my collega first and get a job. It’s seem at the picture I rode a ship forward tomok harbour. Beautiful and unirreplaceable even I couldn’t forget it. Do not worry if you got the same trip at ship .commonly you can get some snak at the ship; like peanut, eggs, rice, fred noddle, and some drinks. Moreas you stay on the ship it’s must be pleasant.
Get your journey …!
Dear blogger
Get your journey …!
Dear blogger
Friday, January 30, 2009
Batak Dance

The accompanying Batak museum isn’t much either. A little disappointed we hop pack on our motorbikes and move on. What amazes us most is that this place attracts most of the tourists around Lake Toba.
We move on along the outside of the island, passing many traditional houses, most of them with zinc roofs. Also many impressing grave towers, with on top of them a miniature traditional house.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Candra life at Hot springs "Pangururan"
As we approach the other side of the island, the mainland comes in sight. A large white spot on the crater edge draws our attention. It almost seems like a ski trail, but we suppose it must be chalk or sand. A little later we arrive at the village where the island is connected to the main land by a small bridge. In fact, the bridge was only needed since the Dutch dug a canal to separate the island from the main land in 1906. We pass the bridge and drive up to search for our next goal: the hot springs. The closer we get, the more we realize the white spot is where we will find the hot springs.
The hot springs are accompanied by a number of restaurants and a large parking lot. But there are not many tourists. At one of the restaurants we park our motorbikes and order a meal. While we wait we see a little girl playing with to chicks, one of them bright yellow, the other bright green. Funny little animals, although it is sad that they probably have no mother and are obviously artificially colored.
After lunch we search for the hot springs. Every restaurant appears to have a bath of swimming pool fed with hot water from the springs, but we want to find the springs themselves. So we climb up, until we reach a restaurant that only lets us through if we order something. Here is a pool as well, but also a natural bath in the rocks. And as we climb up, we reach the actual source of the hot springs. In some kind of white moon landscape there is a stream of hot, yellow water. It is boiling up from the rocks, although we cannot see exactly where.
The hot springs are accompanied by a number of restaurants and a large parking lot. But there are not many tourists. At one of the restaurants we park our motorbikes and order a meal. While we wait we see a little girl playing with to chicks, one of them bright yellow, the other bright green. Funny little animals, although it is sad that they probably have no mother and are obviously artificially colored.
After lunch we search for the hot springs. Every restaurant appears to have a bath of swimming pool fed with hot water from the springs, but we want to find the springs themselves. So we climb up, until we reach a restaurant that only lets us through if we order something. Here is a pool as well, but also a natural bath in the rocks. And as we climb up, we reach the actual source of the hot springs. In some kind of white moon landscape there is a stream of hot, yellow water. It is boiling up from the rocks, although we cannot see exactly where.
merry christmas
Keluarga Besar Himpunan muda\i kost Gg.Tanjung(HIMKOTA)
Sekretariat jl.Mesjid Gg.Tanjung No 63 Pancing -Medan-Estate
Tema : Kamu adalah garam dan terang dunia (Mat 5:13,14)
Sub Tema : Jangan seorangpun menganggap engkau rendah karena engkau muda ,jadilah teladan bagi orang percaya dalam perkataanmu dalam tingkah lakumu dalam kasihmu kesetiaanmu dan dalam kesucianmu.
Penasehat : -R.Sitanggang
Penanggung jawab : -Maulid habeahan
Badan Pengurus Harian(BPH)
Ketua :Lamhot Sinaga
Wkl.ketua :-Indra Purba
-Hendri Silalahi
Bendahara :Sandirawaty Rajagukguk
Wkl.bendahara :Verawaty Simatupang
Sekretaris :Agustina Sipayung
Wkl.sekretaris :Horas P Simbolon
Panitia Natal Himkota
Ketua :Jhon Sinaga
Wkl.ketua :Verawaty Simatupang
Sekretaris : Horas P Simbolon
1.Seksi acara
koordinator :Candra Sihaloho & Tanti Melyana Sianturi
2.Seksi penerima tamu
koordinator :Zorro Malau
3.Seksi konsumsi
koordinator :Astuti Hutapea
4.Seksi dekorai
koordinator :Daniel Pakpahan
5.Seksi dana
koordinator :Felix Alfaro Sitanggang
6.Seksi keamanan
koordinator :Tua Welson Sinaga
7.Seksi peralatan
koordinator :Juniver Gultom
8.Seksi hiburan
koordinator :Martahan Situmorang
Ketua :Jhon Sinaga
Wkl.ketua :Verawaty Simatupang
Sekretaris : Horas P Simbolon
1.Seksi acara
koordinator :Candra Sihaloho & Tanti Melyana Sianturi
2.Seksi penerima tamu
koordinator :Zorro Malau
3.Seksi konsumsi
koordinator :Astuti Hutapea
4.Seksi dekorai
koordinator :Daniel Pakpahan
5.Seksi dana
koordinator :Felix Alfaro Sitanggang
6.Seksi keamanan
koordinator :Tua Welson Sinaga
7.Seksi peralatan
koordinator :Juniver Gultom
8.Seksi hiburan
koordinator :Martahan Situmorang
Candra & Mr.James
Never say good bye for my best memories
it's rarely happened all at once at the time. we couldn't reach it purposely.

it's rarely happened all at once at the time. we couldn't reach it purposely.
no ones could break my happiness, all i have done without lying, crying and boring. i do enjoy my trip when i met with Mr. James. happines pass me at the time. at least some problem had solved though it wasn't seemed by our seeking. who knows tomorrow is dry season actually some peoples arround you or me. may be they are stingy to give their smile to give you spirit or to build your day life like others. Just remember everyone need water to kill/lost their thirsty. its like a trip forward our dream. may it be more easier for you to gain your goal. just believe it you must need some friends or some one special to bridge your goal, realtionship and everything good in your mind. There are many benefits when i shared with him. one of them, i had measured my trip far away start from when begin my write my step in mind. yeah must learn more to improve my knowledge till i have a good prepration in a facing world.
At Hotspring "Pemandian Air Panas"

Ms. Marsane has been staying in indonesia she is a teacher in Surabaya for private school (extra) or may in Senior High School. A sincerely smile she told me that she liked indonesian people coz they are kindly and it’s looked from our regard and she also said t that Australia also the best country to visit or to stay or may be to get a job.
This place is one of the best tourist objek to visit in samosir /arround danau toba besides you take a shower you also could make a good viewing to many objects. you may enjoy batak food, observe adathouses and directly speak with people to know more bout the place you visit
thank you guys hopely you get nice holyday. Last words i say give your support to Danau Toba tobe TobaDreams for 2010-and go on " have a good journey and see you again
horas tano batak
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Memory Tu Akka Namardongan
Start over from now and tomorrow be going to over. Where some of memory or story might be deleted or had forgOt it and there is no love to review all had happened at the passed. Only some person who remember that memory and singing several songs that formely did it. When they have to sparate to gain their dream, ambition each other, there is only something to make them could gather it is when celebrated Merry christmass and new year. Posibbly these are a correct time for them.
lean your eyes for them who is singing a song
lean your eyes for them who is singing a song
At the Lapo Tuak

Here i am stoping at the lapo tuak and sang together with my friends especially batak song that time when i back from my old friend house then i stoped over at this lapo (stall) and g0t some drinks such usual people did at the night. The name of this lapo is "PONDOK PISANG" besides got drinks we also eaten peanots batak said" tambul ni tuak" and we also play batak traditional musik it's flute, sirene and small kecapi. How beautiful the night is.
A Few Minutes at Pasir Putih
enjoy your holyday and come to lake toba you 'll be there enjoy
support samosir / lake toba be dream island.
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